Kid Who Wouldn't Quit - The Brad SIlverman Story (1987)
The film follows Brad Silverman, a pioneering student with Down syndrome who, with the unwavering support of his determined family, becomes the first to graduate from regular classes at his school and later attend Pasadena City College. Despite initial shock and resistance from schools, Brad's paren...
The film follows Brad Silverman, a pioneering student with Down syndrome who, with the unwavering support of his determined family, becomes the first to graduate from regular classes at his school and later attend Pasadena City College. Despite initial shock and resistance from schools, Brad's parents insist on mainstream education, advocating fiercely for his inclusion and treating him like any other child. Brad excels academically and socially, overcoming significant challenges and bullying, culminating in a heartfelt message about the importance of dreams and hard work as he successfully pursues his college education.
We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.