A woman named Cindy finds a stray dog that nearly ran in front of her car. After taking the dog to a shelter, she contemplates adopting it but is reminded of the responsibilities and costs involved in pet ownership. Throughout her interactions with friends and shelter staff, she learns about the joy...
A woman named Cindy finds a stray dog that nearly ran in front of her car. After taking the dog to a shelter, she contemplates adopting it but is reminded of the responsibilities and costs involved in pet ownership. Throughout her interactions with friends and shelter staff, she learns about the joys and challenges of having a pet. Ultimately, Cindy decides to adopt the dog, naming it Homer, and prepares to provide it with a loving home.
dog adoption, stray dog, responsibilities, pet ownership, shelter, Cindy, Homer, companionship, costs, spaying
We digitized and uploaded this film from the A/V Geeks 16mm Archive. Email us at footage@avgeeks.com if you have questions about the footage and are interested in using it in your project.