The film follows a sculptor as he creates a bronze sculpture representing the theme "progress through man's confidence in his fellow man." He begins by sketching and modeling a clay group of an early pioneer and a modern industrial worker shaking hands. The sculptor emphasizes the importance of accu...
The film follows a sculptor as he creates a bronze sculpture representing the theme "progress through man's confidence in his fellow man." He begins by sketching and modeling a clay group of an early pioneer and a modern industrial worker shaking hands. The sculptor emphasizes the importance of accurate anatomical representation and detailed costume design. He constructs a lead wire armature to support the clay and uses a nude model for reference. After refining the details, he scales up the clay model into a larger plaster cast, which is then used to create the final bronze sculpture. The completed work symbolizes cooperative effort and mutual confidence, showcasing the connection between past pioneers and modern workers.
sculptor, bronze sculpture, clay modeling, pioneer, industrial worker, mutual confidence, armature, anatomical accuracy, plaster cast, cooperative effort
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